Yes, new patients and emergency patients are always welcomed. Please contact our office to schedule an appointment.
What should I do in case of an emergency after office hours?In case of any emergency, please leave a voice mail on our office number and someone will call you back as soon as possible.
Do you offer financing for services provided?Yes. Please contact our office to discuss the payment options. Our accepted forms of payment include cash, check, major credit cards and CareCredit financing. CareCredit is a third-party healthcare financing program that offers low-interest payment plans to help you get the care you need when you need it. You can apply for CareCredit either online or during your appointment at our dental practice.
Can you please explain gingivitis?Gingivitis is a condition caused when bacteria surrounds the teeth and enters the gums. The gums can become irritated, inflamed and often bleed. In order to prevent the condition from worsening, regular hygiene visits are highly recommended. Patients are encouraged to have their teeth cleaned by dental professional minimum twice a year. During your visit, our hygiene team will teach you the proper flossing techniques and oral hygiene protocol for home care will prevent the periodontal disease.
What causes bad breath?Bad breath (halitosis) is caused by odor-producing bacteria that grow in the mouth. When you don't brush and floss regularly, bacteria accumulate on the bits of food left in your mouth and between your teeth. The sulfur compounds released by these bacteria make your breath smell. Certain foods, especially ones like garlic and onions that contain pungent oils, can contribute to bad breath because the oils are carried to your lungs and out through your mouth. Smoking is also a major cause of bad breath. If you brush and floss properly and visit your dentist for regular cleanings, but your bad breath persists, you may have a more serious dental or medical disease. Make an appointment with our office to evaluate the cause.
What is periodontal disease?Periodontal Disease is a quiet disease that begins with little or no symptoms. It is caused by bacteria that surrounds the teeth and enters the gums. The immediate condition is known as gingivitis. The gums become irritated, inflamed and often bleed. If not properly treated, the condition worsens. Some of the most noticeable symptoms include bad breath, gum recession, gum sensitivity to acidic foods, abscesses, toothache and tooth loss.
How to treat periodontal disease?Periodontal disease is a chronic condition that needs immediate attention. Through a series of periodontal cleanings, root planning & scaling, and local antibiotics, this condition can be controlled. Periodontal Surgery is only necessary for severe cases.
Why are my teeth sensitive?Sensitive teeth often come from the fact that your gums have slightly receded. This recession of the gum line allows the underlying dentin to show through which allows water and food easier access to the sensitive nerve. To manage this, there are a number of toothpastes, gels and even some dental procedures that can be applied. Ask Dr. Patel for more details if you have very sensitive teeth.
What should I do to prevent gum disease and tooth decay?Great teeth and gum care start at home. Brushing and flossing on a daily basis is the best way to take care of your teeth and gums on a continual basis. By keeping to a daily routine you will greatly minimize the risk of gingivitis or tooth decay as you age.
What is root canal treatment?Root canals are tiny passageways that branch off from beneath the top of the tooth, coursing their way vertically downward, until they reach the tip of the root. All teeth have between one and four root canals. When a tooth is cracked or has a deep cavity, bacteria can enter the pulp. Germs can cause an infection inside the tooth. Left without treatment, pus builds up at the root tip in the jawbone, forming a pus-pocket called an abscess. An abscess can cause the pulp tissue to die. When the infected pulp is not removed, pain and swelling can result. Without treatment, your tooth may have to be removed. Treatment often involves from one to three visits. During treatment, your general dentist or endodontist removes the diseased pulp. Next the pulp chamber and root canal(s) of the tooth are cleaned and sealed. Often posterior teeth that have endodontic treatment should have a cast crown placed in order to strengthen the remaining structure. Then, as long as you continue to care for your teeth and gums with regular brushing, flossing, and checkups so that the root(s) of the restored tooth are nourished by the surrounding tissues, your restored tooth can last a lifetime.
What is the difference a white and silver filling?Silver fillings known as Amalgam have been around for decades and are made from a metal alloy. The metal expands and contracts with the heat and cold placed in the mouth. This allowed for little bacteria to enter a tooth once filled; keeping the tooth healthy and strong. White fillings, also known as composites are often made of plastic or glass polymers. These cosmetic fillings allow us to fill a cavity with a substance that will look and feel just like your existing tooth structure. This restoration is created with a resin material and fits tightly into a tooth to prevent decay. Rather than a gray or silver material in your mouth, the composite color will match the tooth color.
How can I improve my smile?There are several ways in today’s modern dental world to enhance your smile including: in-office teeth whitening, bonding, porcelain veneers and porcelain crowns. For an exact consultation, please contact our office so that Dr. Patel may provide you with a customized treatment plan.
What is tooth whitening?Tooth whitening is a cost-effective and safe procedure to create a beautiful, healthy smile. Over the years, flouride has been added to the whitening product. This reduces the risk of tooth and gum sensitivity. Tooth Whitening must be monitored by your dentist and only done after a comprehensive exam and hygiene cleaning. The whitening process can last longer if maintained properly. Beverages such as coffee, tea, soft drinks and wine will reduce the lasting effect. Remember, if it could stain a white shirt, it will stain your smile.
What is bonding?Bonding is a cost-effective procedure used to fill gaps in front teeth and to change a tooth’s color. The immediate results are amazing. Within a few hours, you will have a great smile. Bonding like tooth whitening may change color over time due to coffee, tea, cola and wine.
What are porcelain veneers?Porcelain veneers are thin pieces of porcelain that go directly on your natural teeth. This entire procedure can take as few as two visits. Veneers change the size, shape and color of a patient’s teeth. This procedure is used to repair fractured teeth or teeth darkened by age or medication. Often times, patients ask for porcelain veneers simply to feel and look younger with a straighter, whiter smile.
What are crowns?Crowns are a permanent cosmetic procedure that covers the entire tooth. It will change the size, shape and color of the teeth in as few as two visits.
What is a nightguard?A nightguard is a custom-fit plastic device that is placed over the teeth to prevent clenching and grinding (bruxism). Most have the the look of a mouthguard as used in sports but it much thinner and therefore more comfortable. Most people grind their teeth are not even aware of it. There are four main signs that you are grinding your teeth:
(1) the surfaces of your teeth are cracked, chipped or smooth,
(2) deep notches on the side surfaces of your teeth that are not caused by decay,
(3) sensitive or painful teeth with no decay or gum disease and
(4) painful jaw muscles, or tension headaches, particularly in the morning. Most grinding patients exhibit one or all four of these symptoms. And in each instance a mouthguard is recommended to reduce the trauma of teeth grinding.
A dental implant is a man-made replacement for a missing tooth or tooth root. Made from titanium, this screw-like object is inserted under the gum and directly into the upper or lower jaw bone. There is usually minimal discomfort involved with this procedure. After a period of a few months, the dental implant and the bone fuse together. This creates an anchor for the new tooth to be placed onto the dental implant. Dental implants look and function like a natural tooth and are a permanent solution for missing teeth. Dental implants are maintained by routine hygiene visits to your dental office. It often replaces the need for a removable full or partial denture. With routine scheduled dental hygiene and proper home care, a dental implant can last approximately 30 years to a lifetime.
Why does not my insurance cover more?The benefits you receive are based on the terms of the contract that were negotiated between your employer and the dental insurance company. The goal of most dental benefit plans is to provide only basic care for specific dental services. Some services you need or want may not be covered by your dental benefit plan. Companies will also use a downgrade rule paying an alternate benefit of amalgam (silver filling) fees instead of composite (tooth colored) filling fees. Our office only offers tooth colored fillings. Our goal is to help you achieve and maintain optimal dental care. We do not compromise your care based on the limitations of your insurance company.